View in the mountain
Ho Wing Cheong
(1949 - )
何永祥(1949 - )
46 x 78厘米
Ho Wing Cheong
(1949 - )
View in the mountain
Ink and colour on paper
46 x 78 cm
Author’s Private collection
With signature and one seal of the artist
何永祥 ——《山巒遠眺》
何永祥 ——《山巒遠眺》
何永祥(1949 - ),生於香港。早歲跟隨潘德修先生學習國畫,後從嶺南畫派大師趙少昂先生門下深詣,遂為嶺南畫派第三代門人。何先生作畫題材多元,擅於山水花鳥,魚蟲走獸等;其筆下的作品豪邁卻不失秀雅。何先生曾於1982年參與全臺灣青年國畫大展,其大作《御苑丹青》芙蓉花鳥畫,更獲得國立臺灣歷史博物館頒發優質作品奬狀,殊榮迭至。此外,何先生在數十年來,多次舉辦個展及受邀參加海內外的邀請展,碩果累累,成就非凡。何先生現為香港嶺南大學駐校水墨畫導師,並創辦逸峰書畫院,作育英才無數,可謂桃李滿天下。
Ho Wing Cheong — “View in the Mountain”
Ho Wing Cheong’s Bio:
Ho Wing Cheong (1949 - ), native Hong Kong. He started studying traditional Chinese painting under Mr. Pan Dexiu since childhood, and later under Mr. Zhao Shaoan, is a renowned third-generation painter of the Lingnan School. His artworks have covered many subjects, such as landscape, bird-and-flower, insects, animals, and fishes; his painting style is bold and elegant. Mr. Ho participated in a Taiwan painting exhibition in 1982; his masterpiece “Color of the Imperial Garden” was awarded by the National Museum of Taiwan History with an excellent certificate. In addition, over the past few decades, Mr. Ho has held numerous solo exhibitions and has been invited to participate in many exhibitions both at domestic and overseas. It can be said that he has a lot of fruitful achievements in his art. Mr. Ho is currently teaching Chinese Painting at the Lingnan University of Hong Kong and founded the Glorious Peaks Arts Academy, which has taught several students.
The interpretation of “View in the Mountain”:
View in the Mountain Range is a realistic style painting, mainly focusing on the expression of the mountains. The painting’s inspiration came from one of Mr. Ho’s experiences of leaving the country. As the plane was lifting off, he looked around and was surprised to find an island. At that moment, the only thing left in Mr. Ho’s eyes was this beautiful island, and there were no buildings left, so “View in the Mountain Range” was created.
The artwork is framed from a birds-eye perspective. At the same time, Mr. Ho also skillfully uses multi-point perspective to depict the mountain scenes. It reflects that it is an angle of looking from the near mountain to the far mountain. Using the “horizontal distance” method, to depict the mountain scenes in the painting, can break the limitation of general painting to observe from one viewpoint, i.e., focus perspective, and to show the feeling of the broadness of the mountains and rivers.