The Gong Strikes One
Founded in 2012, The Gong Strikes One specializes in Chinese traditional theatre music and embraces various kinds of performance, such as concerts, story-telling concerts, theatre and improvisation. Its debut theatre work, "I, Wu Song" (2017), is a one-man Chinese Opera with no words, which sets out to explore the very essence of operatic movements and music. In 2021, the group was supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council's Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme to launch the online project, "Hong Kong Music Miniatures". The group is also known for writing site/occasion-specific Cantonese narrative songs; recent projects include "Singing Nanyin as We Go" (presented by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Office), which tours the city with original lyrics specifically written for each district, and "Ballads of Ink from Canton", a series written for the CUHK Art Museum exhibition, Artistic Confluence in Guangdong.
一才鑼鼓成立於 2012 年,專攻戲曲音樂。其首個劇場作品《俺,武松》(2017)以無唱唸之獨腳戲探索戲曲形體與音樂之極致。2021年獲香港藝術發展局「Arts Go Digital藝術數碼平台計劃」支持,製作網上項目「香港微音樂」。他們常獲邀為特定活動和地點編撰南音,如:為香港各區撰寫南音新曲之「南音遊記」(非物質文化遺產辦事處主辦)、為香港中文大學文物館《廣納百川》展覽編撰之說唱節目《廣東畫廣東話・說唱解畫》等等。