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  • 嶺南園林是指在清代嘉慶、道光、同治年間等,於廣東地區修建的園林,屬於近代園林。該時期正直中國封建社會走下坡路,向西方開放之時期,而廣東當時作為中國的通商港口,經濟亦漸漸發展起來。

  • 庭園不單單是作為文人生活的空間,亦作為文人抒發情感,表達自己願景的渠道。經過精心設計的園林一方面引發文人的創作靈感;另一方面,文人在園林或是為園林而創作的對聯及題字等,把園林與文學連接起來,令嶺南園林成為中國無論在藝術上、建築上、還是在哲學上均具有特色的庭園。

  • 清代嘉慶,道光年代是嶺南庭園最為繁盛的時期。但經歷時代變遷,現被完整保留下來的庭園,只有清暉園、梁園、可園以及餘蔭山房,合稱為「嶺南四大園林」。


The Main Four Lingnan Garden

  • Lingnan Garden refers to the garden located in the Guangdong city that was built during the period of Jiaqing, Daoguang, and Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, belonging to the modern garden. It was the downhill period of China's feudal society and opened to the West. At that time, Guangdong was a trading port in China, and its economy gradually developed.

  • The garden is not only a part of the literati’s life but also a place for the literati to express their emotions and visions. On the one hand, the well-designed gardens aroused the creative inspiration of the literati; on the other hand, the couplets and inscriptions created by the literati there connected the gardens with the literature, allowing the Lingnan gardens to become one of the art, architecture and philosophy in China. 

  • The Jiaqing and Daoguang period in the Qing Dynasty was the most prosperous period for Lingnan gardens. However, after the changes of the times, the only gardens that have been completely preserved are Qinghui Garden, Liang Garden, Ke Yuen and Yuyin Shanfang, collectively known as the "Four Gardens of Lingnan".



  • 對聯以及牌匾為主要表達方式。

  • 對聯是中國特有的藝術形式,以對偶的形式創作,以上聯下聯一雙被創作後供人欣賞。對聯應用層面極廣,無論是用作休閒娛樂活動、點綴地方、慶祝節日均能使用對聯,可見其具有極大的社會功能。

  • 創作對聯的基本要求,就是要確保對聯的上下聯字數,句數,逗句要一致;相應句子的句式要相同,平仄(音調)也要相對。

  • 牌匾,亦有牌額之稱,集建築、書法、文學、工藝等文化於一身的作品。牌匾的材質主要為木刻和石刻;正文文體並沒有受到限制,唯一要求就是所用書法需要保持端莊。

  • 牌匾一般應用於建築物作為裝飾之用,亦有表彰及作為招牌的商業用途。而作為置於庭園中的牌匾,主要用作標示園內建築及其名稱,文人通常會寄意於牌匾,題寫點綴,從中表現自己的文學造詣。

  • 嶺南園林內的文學創作蘊含著各種作用。首先,讓園主或是文人表達對自己於品德行為上的期望;其次為表達宗族之間,血濃於水的深厚情誼,寄語後人要重視知識及個人修養;最後,則是作為文人之間以文會友,互相切磋的樂趣。

The literary presentation in Lingnan Gardens

  • Couplets and Chinese plaques are the main expressions.

  • Couplets are a unique art form in China and are created in pairs (the first line and the second line). Once the couplets are created, they will be placed for appreciation. Couplets own great social functions as its application is wide. The creation of couplets is seen as leisure and entertainment activities; its role is to embellish places or celebrate festivals.

  • The basic requirement in creating couplets is to ensure that the number of words, sentences, and punctuations in the couplets must be consistent; the first and the second line should have the same sentence pattern and the tone pattern of one line should be inverse to the second line.

  • Chinese plaque is a synthesis product that includes architectural, literary, calligraphy, and handicraft elements. Stone carving and wood carving are the main types in making plaque. The literary form has no limitation but to maintain a sense of dignity.

  • Chinese plaque is used for architectural decoration, admiration or as a signboard for commercial use. The Chinese plaque in the garden has the function of indicating the name of the architecture. When garden owners name their place, they will merge their literary knowledge and personal feelings into the Chinese plaque. Hence, the Chinese plaque also reflected the academic attainment of the literati.

  • The literary presentation in Lingnan Gardens contains purposes. Firstly, as a medium for the garden owner to present their desire in morality. Secondly, to show the close bonding in a family, as a reminder to their heirs to attach importance to knowledge and ethics. Lastly, as an entertainment for the literati to exchange their ideas in literature.



  • 位於佛山市順德區,建於清代嘉慶年間。原址為明朝狀元黃士俊府第兼花園,後黃氏在乾隆年間衰落,庭院因而遭到荒廢。幸得當時進士龍應時購入該府,隨與子嗣屢次修建,漸漸成為格局完整的園林。

  • 龍應時之子,龍廷槐於乾隆五十三年未(1788年) 考得進士並於翰林院擔任編修。龍應時於嘉慶五年(1800年)逝世,龍廷槐因而回鄉守孝三年,後見當時朝廷權貴鬥爭而於無意重新回歸官場,決心留守家鄉,改建龍應時的園林以伺候母親。

  • 園名「清暉」一詞出自於江蘇書法家李兆洛,取自孟郊《遊子吟》的「誰言寸草心,報得三春暉」,寓意改建園林一舉為出自孝順,表達恩情。


Qing Hui Garden

  • Located in the Shunde District of the Foshan City, it was built in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. Qing Hui Yuan was a nameless garden of Huang Shijun, a zhuangyuan (a scholar who achieved the highest score in the court examination) in the Ming Dynasty, however, the garden was neglected with the decline of Huang during the Qianlong period. Fortunately, Long Yingshi, a jinshi (first-class scholar) at that time, purchased the garden. 

  • Long Tinghuai, the son of Long Yingshi became a jinshi in the 53rd year of the Qianlong period and worked as an officer in the Hanlin School. He returned to his hometown for mourning when Long Yingshi died in the 5th year of Jiaqing for three years. After three years, Long Tinghuai chose to stay in Foshan as he was disgusted with the power struggle in the court. Therefore, he repaired the garden for a better environment to wait on his mother. The original garden had been repaired by Long’s descendants and gradually became a well-organized garden.

  • The term “Qing Hui” was written by a JiangSu calligrapher, Li Zhaoluo, referring to a line of the poem in the Tang Dynasty named “Yóuzǐ Yín (The song of traveller)”, presented the act of repair was due to his filial piety.



  • 清暉園別具詩意,園內的對聯、牌匾、題字等除了反映園內的景觀意境以及對每一片角落的情意外,園主人更會藉此表達內心的情操。

  • 位於水池左方的六角亭則掛有「跨水架楹黃籬院落, 拾香開鏡燕子池塘」的對聯,直接了當地以反映出水池碧水粼粼,荷花香氣瀰漫的景色,是為視覺及嗅覺的描述。

  • 位於北部景區的竹苑,正門兩旁掛上「風過有聲皆竹韻; 明月無處無花香」一副對聯,以此反映出宅院間幽靜氣氛,及其雅氣和暉的高雅氣色。

  • 在碧溪草堂裡有一幅具悠長曆史的陰紋磚雕畫,畫有細竹,題為「輕煙挹露」,而題跋則是「未出土時先引節,凌雲到處也無心」,以帶有代表君子正直不屈意味的竹來表達自身重視名節,不貪圖利祿的道德精神。


Couplet in the Qing Hui Garden

  • Qing Hui Garden is uniquely poetic. The literary production there not only reflects the artistic conception of the garden and the sentiment towards each corner but also for the garden owners to express their inner sentiments.

  • The Liu Jiao Ting (hexagonal pavilion) located on the left side of the pond hangs a pair of couplets, written: "The flower farmed on the fence and transpired their fragrance across the water while the swallow is flying above the pond, which was limpid like a mirror". This couplet refers to the beautiful scenery of the pond with clear water and is filled with the fragrance of the lotus, as a direct description of sight and smell.

  • The Bamboo Garden located in the north has placed a pair of couplets aside the front gate. “The sound of bamboo that blew by the wind is like a rhyme, and there is nowhere without the flower fragrance under a shiny moon”, referring to the quiet and peaceful environment of the Bamboo Garden and has created an elegant atmosphere. 

  • There is a brick carve painting that has a long history inside the Bi Xi Cottage. Bamboo was carved and the topic of the painting is “Qing yan yi lu” and with ​​a postscript written: “The bamboo joint grew and went straight to touch the sky from the very beginning.”. The garden owner used bamboo to symbolize uprightness and perseverance in order to express his desire for reputation and resentment against corruption.



  • 當地文人梁氏梁藹如於清代中晚期開始建造園林,後其侄兒梁九章、梁九華、梁九圖先後參與建園,最終於四十多年後建成。梁園包含汾江草蘆、群星草堂、日盛書屋、龍堂等建築,繼而組成園林的結構。

  • 1950年,梁園受到破壞,汾江草蘆不幸被毀,群星草堂則仍然屹立不倒。經過一次修理整頓以後,該園於1990年被國家定為省級保護單位。

  • 梁園以家族的姓氏為名,並以「樸素」、「自然」、「高雅」等特色而聞名。


Liang Garden

The local literati Liang Airu began to build the garden in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. Later, his nephews Liang Jiuzhang, Liang Jiuhua and Liang Jiutu participated in the construction of the garden successively, and it was finally completed more than 40 years later. Liang’s Garden includes Fenjiang Caolu, Qunxing Caotang, Risheng Bookstore, Longtang and other buildings, forming the structure of the garden step by step.

  • In 1950, Liang Garden was damaged, Fenjiang Caolu was unfortunately destroyed, and Qunxing Caotang was still standing. After a repair and rectification, the park was designated as a provincial protection unit by the state in 1990.

  • Liang’s Garden is named by the family's surname “Liang”, and is famous for its "simplicity", "naturalness" and "elegance".



  • 位於梁園府邸區域的客堂正堂掛有一副對聯,內容為「多買異書贏置產,飽看怪石當遊山」,上聯的意思,是指相比於購買物業,多買書才是更好的做法,從中反映出園主重視,並鼓勵知識的吸收。此外,「怪石」則透露出梁家人的興趣,就是觀賞石頭。梁園內設有一館,名為「十二石齋」,內裏收藏著梁氏族人購入的十二塊奇石。

  • 關於對觀石的喜愛,也能從秋爽軒內的對聯得知。「垂老弟兄同癖石, 忘形叔侄互裁詩」,上聯描述著梁家兄弟一同觀賞奇石的景象,而下聯則是描繪叔姪之間關係和睦,會以奇石為主題創作詩句。

  • 雀廊內有匾額,寫有「蘭桂騰芳」,下有對聯「忠義名家傳世德,梅花水部頌先芬」。蘭和桂指的是蘭花和桂花,象徵著賢人君子的美德,至於「家傳世德」則是寄語後人要將家族的美好品德承傳下去,為家族爭光。

Couplet in the Liang’s Garden

  • There is a couplet hanging in the main hall of the living room located in Liang’s Garden mansion area. The content is "Buying more books is better than purchasing house property and appreciating strange rocks like you are traveling the mountain". The meaning of the couplet is that it is better to buy more books than to buy properties. The work reflects the views of the garden owner and encourages the absorption of knowledge. In addition, the "strange rock" revealed that the Liang family's interest is to look at the stones. Based on this interest, there is a hall in Liang’s Garden called "shi er shi zhai", which houses twelve strange stones purchased by Liang’s clan. 

  • The obsession with appreciating stone can also be learned from the couplets in Qiu Shuang Xuan of the garden. "The old brothers are fond of stones and the uncle and nephew are fond of each other's poems". The first couplet describes the scene of Liang's brothers watching the strange stone together, while the second couplet depicts the harmonious relationship between the uncle and the nephew and will create poems with the theme of the strange stone.

  • There is a plaque in the “que lang” of the garden, which reads "Langui Tengfang", and there is a couplet under it, and it means that "Hoping the loyalty families could leave a name behind". “Lan” and “gui” refer to orchid and osmanthus fragrans, representing the virtues of wise men. As for the couplet, it is a message from the ancestors to the future generations and looking forward to passing on the good virtues and glory to the family.



  • 位於東莞市,建於清代道光年間,園主為張敬修,文武雙全,精通琴棋書畫,曾為廣西按察使。

  • 可園原本有可能被取名「意園」,為滿意的庭園,但卻一直沒有落實。其後邀請遊客及名人提供意見,大家只説:「可以。」。張敬修受到啟發,因為「以」跟原本「意園」的「意」同音以外,“可”亦有可以、可人(有才德的人)及無可無不可(不拘小節)的意思,因此庭園最後命名為可園。


  • 園林主要分為兩個區域,分別為以建築群為主的庭院區及以湖泊為主的花隱園。

  • 張敬修積極邀請文人到可園作客,甚至暫居,令該園林充斥著文化氣色。其中最有名的例子為嶺南畫派奠基人居巢及居廉,二人在可園客居十年間一直研究各種畫法。



  • Keyuan, located in Dongguan city, was built during the Qing Daoguang period by Zhang Jingxiu. Zhang was the Anchashi in Guangxi and proficient in Chinese writing, painting, chess, music and antiquing. 

  • The previously proposed name of Keyuan was “Yiyuan”, which Yi in Chinese has the meaning of satisfaction. However, the name was not confirmed due to an unknown reason. Zhang later invited visitors and literati to provide their ideas on the denomination.  They had no idea but kept saying “ke yi.可以 (means okay in Chinese speaking)”. Zhang was then inspired by their response as yǐ 以 has the same pronunciation as yì 意. Also, ke yi 可以 owns three meanings in Chinese actually, which are “can”, “ke ren 可人 (people with talent and morals)”, and “wu ke wu bu ke 無可無不可 (not to stick at trifles)”.

  • Keyuan is divided into two main areas; the courtyard area dominated by an architecture complex, and the garden area mainly with ponds.

  • Zhang enthusiastically invited the literati to Keyuan as a guest or temporarily lived there. The most famous examples are Ju Chao and Ju Lian, the Lingnan School of Painting founders. They studied various painting methods during their ten years in Keyuan.



  • 踏進可園便能看見寫有草草草堂的牌匾。草堂內有一副對聯,內容為「草草原非草草,堂堂敢謂堂堂」。


  • 「草草」最常見於「草草了事」,有著草率或是馬虎的意思,正是張敬修最為抗拒的態度。過往張敬修征戰的經歷,逼迫他體驗了草草過活的日子。因此以草草來命名草堂,以提醒自己不能以草率的態度渡日。

  • 對聯的上聯「草草原非草草」跟草堂名稱同樣有著對自己告誡的意思,而下聯「堂堂敢謂堂堂」則是張敬修以自己在軍隊時的戰績而感到驕傲,認為自己堂堂正正的人。由此可見,園林中的創作,對園主的自我修為有著莫大的幫助。

  • 草堂樓上的藏書閣亦有對聯,「雨餘窗竹圖書潤,風過瓶梅筆硯香」。

  • 以「雨」和「風」二字表達天氣,對聯意思大概講述雖然窗外下著雨,但是絲毫不減讀書的興致,因為雨水滋潤了窗外的竹葉,吹來的風令梅花散發出花香,連筆硯也染上梅香。

  • 位於可堂東北部的拜月亭的對聯題為「荊樹有花兄弟樂,硯田無稅子孫耕」。

  • 對聯上聯參考了典故,南朝梁吳均《續吳諧記》的故事,相傳有三兄弟分家而把家中的紫荊樹分成三份,卻令樹枯死,三人見後便放棄分家的想法,怎料樹又復活了。於是,上聯中的「荊樹」代表著兄弟之間擁有著血脈相連,密不可分的親屬關係。

  • 下聯的「硯田」則參考了成語「筆耕硯田」,意思是讀書的時候應該要像下田耕種般勤勞,才能夠有一番作為。此對聯除了勸勉後人要和睦相處以外,也要努力讀書,掌握知識,才能出類拔萃。


Couplet in the Keyuan

  • There is Cao Cao Cottage once you step into Keyuan. Couplets were placed inside, written: “cao cao yuan fei cao cao, tang tang gan wei tang tang (Not be hasty and dare to be open and aboveboard)”.

  • The name of Cao Cao Cottage was carved on a wooden Chinese plaque. The term “cao cao” has the meaning of hasty in Chinese, which was an attitude hated by Zhang. In Zhang’s experience in the army, his life was full of hastiness. Thus, he applied “cao cao” into the name of the cottage to remind himself not to be hasty. 

  • The first line of the couplet has the same meaning as the Chinese plaque as a warning to the garden owner himself. Besides, “tang tang” in the second line means “open and aboveboard”, to describe a person who is confident with oneself action, showing Zhang was proud of his achievements in the army. This is a good example to see how the garden owners use literary presentation inside a garden to express their aspirations.

  • Couplets inside the Cangshu ge (library), written: “Raindrops moisten the bamboo and the books, the breeze blew over the plum blossom and the fragrance left on the inkstone and the brush”.

  • “Rain” and “breeze” were used to describe the weather. Although it was raining outside, the mood in reading did not affect, because the raindrops moistened the place, and the breeze caused the plum blossom to be perfumed in the air.

  • Bai yueting located northeast of Ketang, couplets there written: “Brothers are happy to see the flower on the redbud tree, it is fine for descendants to farm in the farm of inkstone as there is no tax”.

  • The first line used reference to《Xu wu xie ji》by Liang Wujun in the Southern dynasties. Three brothers planned to divide the family properties between themselves in the story, and they started to hack the redbud tree into three pieces. However, the tree began to fade, and they chose to stop the separation. In the end, the redbud tree is reborn again. Hence, the “redbud tree” represents the close bonding between brothers.

  • The term “farm of inkstone” in the second line used the reference of an idiom “bi geng yan tian”, which means “to make a living by writing”, to learn hard like to farm can lead people to the road of success. The couplet aimed to advise descendants to become outstanding people by maintaining a peaceful relationship and learning hard.



  • 廣東四大名園之一,又稱「餘蔭園」,建成於清朝同治六年(1867)。

  • 餘蔭山房有兩大特點:

    • 一是「小巧玲瓏」,全園佔地面積只有1590平方米,不足三畝。但在這小小之地卻能把中國園林建築中的各大元素包含其中(亭、臺、樓、閣、堂、館、軒、榭、橋、廊與石山池水)。而且園內借迴廊、花窗、影壁的設計,使到小小園林頓時顯得園中有園,景外有景,讓人有賞之無窮的感覺。

    • 二是「書香文雅」,從入門開始,每處景物的設計皆匠心獨運,加上滿園的詩聯書法佳作,皆讓餘蔭山房充滿著濃厚的文化氛圍和韻味。因此,餘蔭園常被稱為最具文學藝術氣息的嶺南園林建築。

  • 餘蔭園的故主鄔彬,字燕天,是位清朝舉人,官至刑部主事,任七品員外郎。他的兩名兒子也是舉人,於是有「一門三舉人,父子同登科」之說。

  • 此園的名字是為紀念先祖德蔭,因此取「餘蔭」二字作為園名。與此同時,也祈望子孫後代能永澤先祖的福蔭。

  • 餘蔭山房不稱作「園」而叫「山房」的原因有二。一是,餘蔭山房地處偏僻;二是,此園是園主隱居的地方,所以取樸素的名字以示清高。


Yuyin Shanfang/Yuyin Hill House

Yuyin Shanfang is one of the "four great gardens of central Canton", also known as "Yuyin Garden", it was built in the 6th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1867).

  • Yuyin Shanfang has 2 characteristics.

    • The first characteristic is "small and exquisite", the whole garden covers an area of only 1590 square meters, less than three acres. However, in this small place, the major elements of Chinese garden architecture can be included. For instance, pavilions, platforms, bridges, corridors, stone mountains and pools. In addition, the design of corridors, hua-chuang (a designed opening on a wall or similar surface, which is a special part of Chinese classic garden architecture), and ying-bi (called a spirit screen in English, which is a wall used to block sight in traditional Chinese architecture) in the garden enables the little garden to expand the visual spatial and enrich the landscape effect, giving people a feeling of endless appreciation.

  • The second feature is "literary and elegant". From the entrance of the garden, the design of each scene is ingenious. Together with the masterpieces of poetry and calligraphy in the garden, Yuyin Shanfang is full of a strong cultural atmosphere and charm. Therefore, Yuyin Garden is often called the most literary and artistic Lingnan garden architecture.

  • The former owner of Yuyin Garden, Wu Bin, whose courtesy name is Yantian, was a Juren (it was a rank achieved by people who passed the provincial exam in the imperial examination system of imperial China) of the Qing Dynasty. Besides, he was an official of the Ministry of Justice, and he served as a seventh-rank Yuan-wai lang (personnel who assist important departments). His two sons are also Juren, so there is a saying that "one family and three juren, father and son are the same." 

  • The name of this garden is to commemorate the kindness and blessings left by  the ancestors, so the word "Yuyin" is taken as the name of the garden. At the same time, it also hopes that future generations will be blessed with the blessings of ancestors.

  • There are two reasons why Yuyin Shanfang is not called "yuan" but "Shanfang". One is that Yuyin Garden is located in a remote location; the other is that it was a place where the owner of the garden lives in seclusion, so it is called “Shanfang" to show his moral lofty.



  1. 點題名聯:「餘地三弓紅雨足,蔭天一角綠雲深」

  • 由名士陳允恭(園主親翁)所撰

  • 「餘蔭」二字分別是作為上下聯的第一個字

  • 上聯「餘地三弓紅雨足」

    • 「弓」是箭,古人以一箭之地來比喻一百步的距離。因此,三弓是指這個地方園林的面積很小,卻能盡納堂館軒榭山水池橋這些園林建築要素。

    • 「紅雨」則指落花,暗指整個園林四時花果不斷,奼紫嫣紅,十分美麗。

  • 下聯「蔭天一角綠雲深」

    • 「綠雲」指滿園植夾墻竹和楊柳,綠樹成蔭,將清幽雅靜的環境表現的淋漓盡致。

  • 上下聯中的「足」和「深」二字,深深地表露了園主真心想歸隱的心意

  • 此對聯文意深遠,成為山房的點題之作

2. 深柳堂(堂內大匾)

  • 深柳堂是餘蔭園主建築的正堂

  • 借古人劉慎遠「深柳讀書堂」一詩句命名,為黃槐森所題

  • 黃槐森是中山小杭人,晚清桂林巡撫

​3. 深柳堂(前廊柱聯)



  • 此聯為園主人,鄔彬自撰,是其建園旨趣的心聲

  • 上聯園主以自問句式,謂自己拋棄故園離鄉別井赴京任事,不知度過幾許春秋,所謂何求!

  • 下聯則道出心願,不若辭官歸里,築園隱居。寧願邀集名流雅士,或是穿蓑戴笠的農夫,不論新舊朋友,一起來此唱酬,雅俗共同歡樂忘卻世情。

4. 臨池別館





  • 此聯為園主人親戚黎兆榮所作

  • 別館前廊為憑欄賞荷、步月尋詩好所在。當詩人洗墨硯時可以與水鳥親近嬉戲,含有即與鷗訂盟同住水雲鄉里之意。


 Yuyin Shanfang (poetry and couplet)

  1. The notable couplet, “This land is just as large as three bows, but rich in red rain; Though it is just a corner under the sky, it is abundant with green clouds.” This couplet has far-reaching meaning and brings out the theme of Yuyin Shanfang. Therefore, it is one of the most famous couplets in the Yuyin Garden.

  • The couplet was written by famous scholar Chen Yungong, who is the garden owner's father in-law.

  • The two characters "Yuyin" are the first characters of the upper and lower couplet respectively.

  • The upper couplet means that although the area of this garden is small, it can fully accommodate the elements of garden architecture. Moreover, it also brings out the whole garden full of flowers and plants throughout the four seasons, which are very beautiful.

  • The "green cloud" in the lower couplet refers to the whole garden planted with bamboos and willows, lined with green trees, which fully expresses the quiet and elegant environment.

  • The words "zu" and "shen" in the upper and lower couplets deeply reveal the garden owner's sincere desire to return to seclusion.

2. Shen Liu Tang (Chinses plaque)

  • Shen Liu Tang is the main hall of the main building of Yuyin Garden.

  • This plaque is named after the poem "Shenliu Dushu Tang" by the ancient Liu Shenyuan and was inscribed by Huang Huaisen.

  • Huang Huai Sen was a native of Xiaohang, Zhongshan of Guangdong Province, and was the governor of Guilin in the late Qing Dynasty.

3.Shen Liu Tang (couplet)

  • This couplet is written by the owner of the garden, Wu Bin and which is the inner voice of his intention to build the garden.

  •  The upper couplet is Wu Bin used a self-questioning sentence, saying that he had left his hometown and went to Beijing to work for the imperial court. He is asking himself "I don't know how many springs and autumns have passed, what am I actually pursuing!"

  • The lower couplet expresses his wish: it is better to resign from office and return to the hometown, build a garden, and live in seclusion. He would rather invite celebrities and scholars, or farmers. Whether old or new friends, come here (the garden) to write poetry, drink. No matter what status you are, you can happily enjoy the time and forget the world together.

4.Lin Chi Bie Guan

  • This couplet was written by Li Zhaorong, a relative of the owner of the garden. In front of the Lin Chi Bie Guan is a pond with water lilies and swimming fish. Therefore, the people can play with water birds when they wash the inkstone or invite some friends to write poems and enjoy the moon. To live a life as free as clouds and wild cranes.



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(餘陰山房_上聯)鴻爪為誰忙忍拋故里園林春花幾度秋花幾度_画板 1.png


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