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Types and characteristics of plants in Lingnan Gardens 


Based on the subtropical climate and weather of the Lingnan area, the characteristics of plants in Lingnan gardens are mainly greenery and broad-leaved, the rhizomes and leaves were large and thick, which provides good effects of sun-shading. Also, some types of flowers and fruits were imported from overseas, they have become part of the plant landscapes in Lingnan gardens after years of adaptive cultivation. 


Trees are one of the important types of plants in the plant landscaping of Lingnan gardens. The main types of trees in Lingnan gardens are Ficus malacocarpa (banyan tree), Cinnamomum camphora (camphor tree), Bombax ceiba (cotton tree), Delonix regia (flame tree) etc. These types of trees have the same characteristics that they are with luxuriant foliage. As the Lingnan region is usually with sizzling hot weather, these trees can play a role in sun-shading, which people in Lingnan like to cool off in the shade under the trees. 


For the flowering shrubs in Lingnan gardens, as benefited from the climate of the Lingnan region, there are various types of flowers that can be planted in Lingnan gardens for ornamental use. The flowering period of those flowers is homogeneous in four seasons. Examples like rhododendron simsii (azalea), Lagerstroemia speciosa (crape myrtle), Cassia surattensis (glossy shower), Nelumbo nucifera (lotus), Osmanthus fragrans etc. Such types of plants with various colours are important elements of the art of plant landscaping in Lingnan gardens. 


Besides trees and flowers, as planting fruits were abundant since ancient times in Lingnan, fruit trees are also one main type of plant in Lingnan gardens, like Litchi chinensis (lychee trees), Mangifera indica (mango trees), Psidium guajava guava (guava trees) and Dimocarpus longan lour (longan trees) etc. These fruit trees can also play a role in sun-shading and provide fruits for people in the garden. 







樹木是嶺南庭園植物造景的重要植物種類之一,主要的樹木種類包括榕樹、樟樹、木棉和鳳凰木等。 這些樹木的特點是其葉子特別茂盛。 由於嶺南地區的天氣多屬高溫,因此這些樹木往往可作遮陽之用,當地人更喜歡在樹蔭下乘涼消暑。 


另外,嶺南庭園的「花灌木」在嶺南的獨特氣候下,不同類型的花卉可供栽種在庭園內作觀賞用途。 這些花的開花期在四季中是均一的,例如「杜鵑花」、「金縷梅」、「荷花」、「桂花」等,可謂「四季繁花」。  這些色彩斑斕的植物,亦是嶺南庭園中園林造景藝術的重要元素之一。 


除了以上提到的樹木和花卉外,水果亦是值得一提的種類。很久以來,嶺南庭園內種植水果甚多,果樹更是嶺南庭園中主要種植的植物之一,其中包括「荔枝樹」、「芒果樹」、「番石榴樹」和「龍眼樹」等。 這些果樹不但同樣有遮陽的作用,更能爲庭院裏的住民提供新鮮水果。 

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