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Differences of plants between Lingnan gardens and other Chinese gardens 


In terms of plants, there are some differences of plants between Lingnan gardens and the other Chinese gardens like the traditional gardens in Northern China, which is mainly due to the differences in climate in different regions. 


In Lingnan garden, because of the hot weather in subtropical regions, trees in the gardens are mainly greenery with broad-leaved like Ficus malacocarpa (banyan tree), Cinnamomum camphora (camphor tree), Bombax ceiba (cotton tree) etc. Besides, there are different types of flowering shrubs like Nelumbo nucifera (lotus) and rhododendron simsii (azalea) abloom in different seasons. On the other hand, in traditional gardens in Northern China, as the weather is cold in the northern part of China, trees in the garden are mainly cold-resistant. For example, Pinaceae (pine trees), Platycladus orientalis (cypresses) and Slaix babylonica (willows) etc. The flowering shrubs in the garden are mainly Syringa vulgaris (lilacs), Malus spectabilis (begonias) which are not cold-resistant. 



在庭園的植物種類方面,嶺南庭園與北方的傳統庭園之間其實存在差異,主要是因爲北方與南方的氣候對比下十分極端。 嶺南園林由於位於亞熱帶地區,天氣較為炎熱,因此綠化庭園大多以「闊葉榕」、「樟樹」和「棉樹」等爲主。 此外,根據季節的轉變,亦有不同種類的花灌木,例如「荷花」和「杜鵑花」。 


相反,由於北方地區天氣較為寒冷,因此北方的傳統庭院內的樹木需具有一定的耐寒性。 其中常見的樹木如「松樹」、「柏樹」和「柳樹」等。 常見的花灌木則是「丁香花」和「海棠花」等,相對榭木它們的耐寒程度較低。 

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