Theme: Four seasons
Speaking of Lingnan Garden plantation, what comes to your mind?
Design concept:
Speaking of the Lingnan region, I believe that most of you pop up the sceneries of luxuriant trees and blooming flowers in your mind. Diverse plants bloom in every season in Lingnan is the feature of this region since it locates in the subtropical area, which has good weather and context for plantation. Masters of the Lingnan Gardens contain this local feature in their garden design. Adding various plants decoration not only makes the garden become splendid but also shows the ideology of the garden, which is the garden master's passion for the natural environment and staying away from mundane affairs.
People living in the garden and guests can enjoy the free and peaceful living atmosphere by admiring the breathtaking scenery in the garden. In addition, bonsai is the characteristic of the planation of the Lingnan Garden. In different seasons, the masters of the garden can change the vegetation of the plant pots to be the seasonal plants for each season.
Our design involves blooming plants pictures in four seasons and bonsai to restore the scenery of Lingnan Garden plant decoration. Through this picture, you feel like you immerse in the scenery to admire the breathtaking view to understand the essence and beauty of Lingnan Garden even though you stay at home.
The highlight of the design:
1. Show pictures of plants blooming in each season 顯示不同季節盛放的照片
Photo by Dr. Marianne P. Y. Wong
Photo by Dr. Marianne P. Y. Wong
The picture of plants in four seasons is designed in a circular shape and embedded on the brick wall. The circular design is the imitation of the circular window and moon cave door in the garden, where the places ancient people admired vegetation.
Although we are not in the Lingnan Garden, we can have the same feeling of admiring plants like the ancients through watching similar sceneries and imitating their behaviour.
2. Restore the scene of Lingnan Garden 還原嶺南庭園的佈置
(i) Chinese style ornament
The decorative openwork window is the unique design of traditional Chinese gardens. Lingnan garden had created a new style, which input western elements on the traditional design.
(ii) Bonsai
As mentioned before, bonsai is one of the features of Lingnan Garden plant decoration. A bonsai bought from the Internet and some pot plants are decided to borrow from university to exhibit in the festival accompanied by the restoring the situation of plant scene in Lingnan Garden as the background. It can make you feel like on-site of Lingnan Garden to admire the plantation.
3. Interacting area 互動區
(i) Instagrammable area 打卡位
Green vines hanging from the wall grasp your attention to stop steps in order to captivate this breathtaking view with your gadgets.
(ii) Comment board 留言區
Share your comment and inspiration with us by writing on the leave-shaped memo after admiring the décor to help us complete the tree picture.
騰訊網(2020年12月6日)。〈圓,中式庭院最美的元素〉。《人人焦點網頁》。取自 百度百科。〈嶺南園林〉。取自岭南园林/1658602