走進嶺南庭園 何永祥
各位大家好!很高興能夠參與這個由城市大學舉辦的活動,名為 「走進嶺南庭園」。在一個疫情如此嚴峻的情況下,去籌備這個活動,實在是不簡單,估計遇到的困難也不少,很欣賞一班同學們,以鍥而不捨、排除萬難的毅力,去完成這個任務,毋庸置疑,他們都是訓練有素,老師們亦是教導有方的。展覽除了介紹本人的嶺南派國畫作品之外,同時亦介紹了嶺南文學、建築、及植物等,都非常有學術價值。
Good morning, everyone. I’m very glad to be part of this fruitful event hosted by the City University of Hong Kong called “A walk-through into Lingnan Garden”. As you may be aware, in this current situation where the Covid-19 pandemic is still severe and dreadful, it’s really uneasy to organise this event. Therefore, I’d like to show my appreciation to this group of students who have shown their resolve, their perseverance, their enthusiasm throughout this meaningful project. We can see that they’re incredibly quality students under their teachers’ quality guidance.
In this exhibition, in tandem with my Lingnan-styled Chinese paintings, the Lingnan literature, architecture and plants are focused on as well, which are all very valuable and meaningful. This exhibition reminds me of the important role of Lingnan literature in preserving the traditional Chinese culture under the regimes of the Mongols and the Manchu people. Therefore, I believe it’s highly crucial to protect, preserve and promote the Lingnan culture as a major sector of Chinese culture.
Moreover, talking about Lingnan-styled painting, it was, of course, created by the Lingnan people, and it has been developing since the late Qing Dynasty, more than 120 years ago. It is the second oldest genre of Chinese painting that is still continuing to thrive, following the “Shanghai School”. Undoubtedly, the Lingnan art culture is worth exploring and discussing.
To conclude, I wish this event to be a success to raise people’s attention to our precious Lingnan culture. I also wish everyone's health to overcome this pandemic. Thank you for listening!