Music Panel Discussion's Review
Imagining Lingnan Through the Eyes of Young Musicians
The Process of Our Guest's First Meeting Cantonese Opera and Instrument
Ms Leung Fei Tung:
When she studied in secondary school, she had started to learn erhu and pipa because she participated in the school activity of "一人一藝術". When she first listened to Lingnan music, she recovered that Lingnan music is peaceful, and she felt so relaxing. Later, she had the opportunity to study Cantonese opera in a theater. The learning method of Cantonese opera mainly applies "口傳心授", which means it may not have any reference. So, as a new generation, she believes that she has the responsibility to preserve this lovely culture, so she continues to study Cantonese opera.
Ms Jessica Fung:
When she studied the course "Introduction to Chinese opera" at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she learned about Cantonese opera and enjoyed it for the first time. She was so impressed by the performance of "帝女花"; therefore, later, she took another related course at the university. Afterwards, she visited a teahouse during the course with a Cantonese music performance, and she was invited to join in Nan Yin and Cantonese music performance. Gradually, she joined the Cantonese music ensemble at the teahouse every week. She was attracted by the characteristics of Cantonese music, which is "口傳心授,唔多睇譜". Moreover, she has been studying Chinese instruments until now.
The process of establishing "TroVessional"
In the beginning, the members were grouped because they wanted to create a video to participate in the festival organized by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. They realized that the songs they were chosen were not long enough during the discussion. Therefore, they started to move on the path of innovation, such as "Talking" during their performances. The band was established with the aim of "Boldness and Innovation", which aims to spread the uniqueness of Chinese music.
Difficulties in learning Cantonese Opera/Instrument
Cantonese Opera:
Since Cantonese opera is mainly taught by oral instruction, students usually learn without references/documents. Moreover, students can only re-sing what the masters have taught to them. At the same time, Ms. Leung mentions that this characteristic of Cantonese opera allows its culture to become more versatile. For example, the interpretation of the artwork will change according to people's experience of the era.
Cantonese Instrument:
Most people use sheet music (Western music) when learning musical instruments. However, the traditional "工尺譜", which is the Chinese style of "Sheet music", is more challenging to understand and learn. In addition, it needs to take plenty of time to listen and imitate different music pieces and have a certain amount of imagination to bring out the rhythm of Cantonese music.
The Outlook of Cantonese Opera and Instrument
Ms. Leung claims that the outlook of Cantonese opera is optimistic, and it is a good attempt to include Cantonese opera courses in the high school curriculum. She stressed that students should experience the fun or difficulties of Cantonese opera through activities and visits. Ms. Fung also agreed that the future of Cantonese opera is optimistic because at a university level also have included Chinese music and Cantonese opera course as mandatory courses. So, students can generally learn Chinese opera at the university. However, she states reservations about the outlook of Chinese instruments or Instrumental due to the mainstream music is mainly with vocal, and relatively few people like instrumental.
Nevertheless, the audience is still relatively with old age, and usually, there are only three types of young audiences. Firstly, those who study literature and want to have a deeper understanding of the text/content of Cantonese opera; secondly, those who are "nostalgic" and want to experience the atmosphere of old Hong Kong; and thirdly, those who want to enjoy Cantonese opera with their families. The stereotype of Cantonese opera in the new generation is generally long and challenging to understand, so she pointed out that Cantonese opera is now speeding up the change of scenes, hoping to reduce the performance time that caters for the younger generation. Moreover, the Cantonese opera industry has been developing new and innovative stories, which are no longer limited to classical artwork, such as the "帝女花". The audience can have new ideas/afterthoughts through watching the new story.
The Threshold for Appreciation of Cantonese Opera and Instrument relatively low
Ms Leung pointed out that people generally believe that the threshold for appreciation of Cantonese opera is high. It is hard to understand the meaning of the performance and have a stereotype. However, she believes that if the audience can read the main idea of the script or the performance's main content before watching the performance, at least they will understand a little about the story. She took a ballet performance as an example. She was not familiar with ballet at all. However, she would read some information before watching the performance and feel touched by the "emotion" expressed by the performers. Then, further study should continue if you are really interested.
Finally, the two guests hoped that the public will give more support to cultural and artistic performers and try to enjoy Cantonese opera and Cantonese music!
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